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Welcome to Spectrum

We thought we’d share some marketing and communication tips and strategies that we believe will help organisations be more productive and efficient. Spectrum is a monthly email that will contain links to useful articles and videos around communication both for marketing and to streamline.

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Coming Up in our Launch Edition

In our very first Spectrum, we have collected three interesting pieces of thought leadership that we are sure you will find interesting. Use each title link to go to the full pieces, explore and enjoy.



All Roads must lead to your Rome - A short video explaining the importance of why your buyers journey must be deliberate regardless of where the lead comes or nurtured from 


5 Ways to Adapt Your Communications to the New Marketing Landscape - Article about how the nature of marketing has changed. It used to be based on disruption and persuasion. A sellers market. Now it’s a buyers' market


The Power of Words - This month we are pleased to share with you a YouTube video of public speaking champion Mohammed Qahtani. This video is of an amusing presentation around the use of ‘words’. As I said, amusing, but poignant presentation on the art of good communication. 

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